About Us
Natural Immunity Foundation
The aim of the Natural Immunity Foundation is to provide a free and trusted information source about the vital importance and role of our natural immune system in defending against serious infection.
The recent emergence of the unusually virulent pathogen Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 demands a much wider understanding of ‘natural immunity’ (the amazing result of 500 Million years of evolution!) than currently pertains. It is critically dependant on systemic reserves of metabolised Vitamin D.
Initially, the Foundation will focus on: ‘natural immunity’; the role of Vitamin D (which is much more than a ‘prehormone’); the role of vaccines in immunity; and the potential role of mRNA medicine technology.
The Trustees of the Institute have no commercial interest whatsoever in any of the topics to be covered and provide their time, knowledge and expertise ‘pro-bono’. Finally, it must be understood that the Institute does not purport to provide or prescribe medical advice. Rather it seeks to bridge what is a huge knowledge gap with factual reporting of both existing knowledge, and new research, as well as general medical opinion, from seasoned medical practitioners.

Dr David S Grimes
Dr Grimes is a retired consultant physician and consultant gastroenterologist with the E. Lancs Hospitals Trust. He is one of the UK’s leading clinical Vitamin D experts and the author of several Vitamin D related books including ‘VITAMIN D DEFICIENCY AND COVID-19 – Its central role in the world pandemic’ authored jointly with Prof Anderson. Dr Grimes is based near Blackburn where he practiced medicine for some 30 years to a large patient register that included a substantial Asian ethnic component.

Prof Dr David Anderson
Professor Anderson is a retired consultant physician and endocrinologist and Professor of Medicine at Manchester University and the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He is joint-author of the book ‘VITAMIN D DEFICIENCY AND COVID-19 – Its central role in the world pandemic’. He is based in Umbria, Italy.

Chris Williams
Chris Williams is an independent health researcher and ‘problem solver’. His interest in health began over 20 years ago following an ‘inoperable cancer’ diagnosis, a dilemma he successfully managed to deal with. In professional life he was founder and CEO for some 25 years of a UK electronic systems and software company from which he retired in 2008. He is based in Guildford, Surrey

Prof. Dr. Giuseppe (Joseph) Tritto
Professor Tritto is an internationally recognised expert in biotechnology and nanotechnology and president of the World Academy of Biomedical Sciences and Technologies (WABT), an institution founded under the aegis of UNESCO in 1997. He is also one of Italy’s leading urological consultants and surgeons. He lives in Italy, France and the UK.